Twist guarantees the most efficient and reliable connectivity for your products, ensuring low-cost integration tailored for each application. This integration makes your products an integral part of the Internet of Things.
Dive into the world of TWIST, our cutting-edge IoT platform that revolutionizes how products interact.
Twist guarantees the most efficient and reliable connectivity for your products, ensuring low-cost integration tailored for each application. This integration makes your products an integral part of the Internet of Things.
We analyze each specific product to determine how to make it smarter through autonomous operation. This is achieved by integrating local sensors or feeding it with data from the IoT network, always considering cost-effectiveness.
Twist is an abbreviation for ‘Tailored Wireless IoT Systems and Tools. Our controllers are fully customized to align with the specific needs of each customer’s product, taking into account size, form factor, and features. This tailer-made approach guarantees an optimal fit that enhances the performance and functionality!